Friday, April 11, 2008

Still not sure how I get paid to do this stuff...

We've just launched an agency promotion that I had a blast working on, so I wanted to share some of the stuff.

A few months back, we had a meeting to brainstorm ways we could promote the fact that we hired a new interactive chief. I pitched the idea of making Web videos that parodied bad-lawyer ads. Everyone else liked the idea, so I wrote up some scripts.

Here's the result, though I'll admit that some of the best lines were ad-libbed.

You can check out the full site here, and I've also been writing an in-character Twitter feed.

Hope you enjoy! The reactions so far seem pretty positive. Here's one writeup, and here's another (admittedly from the blog I write for, but still).

If you'd like to help pass the videos and site around, I'll make sure you have the people's fame and ovation forever.


Unknown said...

Those were hilarious. Good job!

Andrea said...

funny stuff. I was half afraid to click on the links, but, thankfully, I wasn't rick rolled. I would never have clicked on another link you sent ... ever.
