Friday, December 14, 2007

We picked a name and a monkey-robot nursery theme. Can't we just use a dartboard for the rest?

All things baby related are proceeding well. Karen and I have obviously had to stumble somewhat blindly through the many selection processes -- pick what to register for, find a day care, pick a pediatrician, etc.

I feel like we've been pretty lucky with each of these, considering how little experience we're operating from. Stacy was a huge help with picking registry things we'd actually need, and hand-me-downs from her and Kim have negated a lot of decision making.

The day care was pretty easy. We toured three. One was complete crap. Chaotic, messy, grumpy staff, bad vibe, hefty price (at least for that level of crapiness). The second was nicer but just felt cramped and loosely organized. We ended up going with one that was a bit sterile and institutional, but well coordinated and safe. They had cameras in each room (really just a psychological barrier to keep workers from losing their cool), lots of sanitary precautions, a helpful staff and a ton of space indoors and out. Plus, it's close to the house. Score.

Pediatricians were a little tougher, because you're picking a person, a location and a business.

The first one came highly recommended, but there were some snags that were immediately noticeable. First, the practice is in a hospital complex, which means parking stinks (and costs validation). The waiting room felt messy and uninviting, and I'm guessing I'll have to spend a lot of time there. The doctor herself was nice enough, but she spoke 100 miles an hour and never came up for air. I was left feeling stressed and confused, just from the atmosphere of our conversation.

Plus, the practice seemed to shovel a lot of the work onto nurses. Phoned-in questions were answered by nurses. After-hours calls were divided up with another practice entirely. And the doctor only worked three days a week (no doctor there works more than four). Finally, she rushed us out the door because she had a backlog of patients.

Luckily, we found a place the next day that was everything the first one wasn't. The practice is in its own brand-new building with its own free, covered parking. The waiting rooms are comfortable for adults and, presumably, kids. The doctor was fantastic. Calm, supportive, upbeat and practical. Plus, she's only 38, so odds are good she'll be around a while.

I have no idea what the next "Oh my god you haven't done that yet?!" decision will be. But at least we've found that trusting your gut is about the only thing you really need to muddle through.

Oh, and congrats to our friend Sarah, who just made it through 10 hours of labor, 2 hours of pushing AND a C-section. If our kid puts us through that, she better damn well be the next Doogie Howser.


Unknown said...

I truly hope that you will post pictures of your monkey robot nursery theme! That's one I've never seen before!

Jan from

Andrea said...

Hmmmm, monkey-robot. That is pretty cool. By the way, Justin is teaching Tabitha to do the Roboto dance, which is actually hilarious. Just wait until she hears about the monkey-robots... I will never hear the end of it. She will demand it for her room!

Elizabeth said...

Hi - this may seem totally random, but my friends just decided on a monkey-robot nursery theme!! They're having a hard time finding good stuff, I'd love to hear where you guys managed to find your monkey-robot decor, toys, books, whatever! Thanks!

Griner said...

Wow, crazy coincidence! Well, the first thing I can tell you is that it's easy to find monkey stuff at the baby stores, but you'll have to work for robots.

Several friends found nice robot toys, and there's a book called Monkey vs. Robot that's pretty cute.

I would also recommend looking at the prints available from John Lytle Wilson ( He's got fantastic, colorful stuff that you can get pretty affordably.

Good luck!