Friday, December 21, 2007

So....who's up for another wood-splittin' party?

I came home last night to find this monstrous, 20-foot-long branch had fallen into my back yard. Astonishingly, it missed the house, the utility cables (just a few feet away), the outdoor furniture, the dog, the dogwood and basically everything else in the yard.

While I'm happy with this minor miracle of avoided destruction, I'm not left feeling very optimistic of the longevity of the huge hickory that dropped the branch. As many of you will remember, we had a hell of a time taking apart the hickory goliath in my front yard last year. This one is about the same size, and seems to have even more branches.

I'm just telling you all this as a fair warning for when I call and ask who wants to help run the hydraulic splitter in exchange for some premium firewood -- as much as you can carry! What a deal!


Luckymom said...

Wow! We just paid $65 for a "rick" of firewood. I wish there was some way we could get down there to take it off your hands.

BTW - Congratulations on your impending family expansion! Are you registered for gifts? Please email me your address, I would like to send you something for the new baby.

Karyn said...

What is up with you and Stacy...I believe they had a close call with a tree in the back yard of their old home. Wild.

Happy holidays!