Thursday, August 04, 2005

At least it's not meth

When I was in high school -- I think a sophomore, even -- I first played the PC game Civilization. And then, I'm pretty sure, that was all I did for the next few weeks.

I remained addicted through college and beyond as more and more sequels came out and kept up. But then I pretty much stopped after getting Civilization III, largely because I didn't want to end up isolating myself for months while Karen paced impatiently, had affairs with male models, etc.

Then one day, I had one of those moments that reminds me, "I married the perfect woman." I mentioned Civilization, and Karen asked me teach her how to play. Pretty soon after, she said, "Why have you never shown me this?"

That was a few years back, and we've been struggling through this addiction together, especially after they released the great Conquests expansion. Sure, it's a little challenging to play a one-player strategy game as a twosome, but every marriage has its battles. Ours are just against the Spanish and Germans.

So it's with excitement and a bit of fear that we look forward to Civilization IV coming out this fall/winter/whenever. It sounds like they've made some great improvements on the game, or at least not screwed anything up. But as we turn into responsible adults with management jobs and such, it's getting a bit harder to devote 12 hours of a day to a video game. But some sacrifices are worth making for the sake of your marriage, am I right?

If you haven't seen it yet, check out this teaser video for Civ IV. The old lady's line makes me laugh every time.


Christian said...

It sounds like they're making some good changes in Civ4 (no more spearmen killing tanks!), but what I'm really waiting for is Alpha Centauri 2.

Griner said...

Yeah, they've never really re-captured the cool diplomacy and customizable weaponry of AC. I don't understand why these sequels seem to have a hard time keeping the good parts but are great at hanging onto the monotonous stuff.