Saturday, August 13, 2005

Quick job update

OK, well, I heard back from the woman who brought me out to Norfolk, and she said she was "really high" on me. She said the big boss liked me, too, but some of the other managers thought I was *gasp* too young. Are you ever just the right age for a job? Even Hooters waitresses seem to run the age gamut.

Anyway, she said they're opening the job to internal candidates but not external candidates (other than me). That's good news, because it means there will be at least one more opening if an internal person gets it.

So I'm pretty stoked. And tomorrow's my birthday. And I'm going out for sushi with Karen in a few minutes. Life's not so bad today.

1 comment:

Griner said...

Thanks, Hil! I got a new digital camera, the fruits of which I'll be showing off here soon.