Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Updates on job, massage, ninja training

It was a big weekend here in the Griner household. We had the Sierra Brewfest, one of the county's biggest annual events and definitely one of the most fun, and then headed to a friend's house for poker night. We each got $5 worth of chips at the beginning. Karen walked away with $10. I walked away with 30 cents. So in my book, we came out ahead.

But in bigger news:
  1. I finally heard back from Virginia on the job, but there's nothing solid. The editor out there said she's still feeling strong about me, but they are going to post the job internally and nationally. Previously, they were saying it would just be internally. She said I got a 100 on the editing test, with the highest score ever being a 115. I'm not sure what the lowest score ever was, but my dear wife guessed it was 101.
  2. Karen and I did well on our "practical exams" for the massage class. We drove up to Reno, to our instructor's instructor's school, and the two of them watched each person do parts of the massage. They pointed out some good things for us to work on but generally seemed pleased with how we were doing. In two weeks is the written exam, which is really going to be intense. We also have to rack up another 25 hours of practice (which means 25 massages in just a few weeks). That's going to be tough. Anybody want a free massage?
  3. I passed my belt test in jujitsu, which means I'm now a yonkyu, or 4th rank. It's a blue belt with a black stripe, I think. Next come three brown belts, then black, so there's still a loooong way to go. Tough test, though. Karen got to watch, since it was at the same school as the massage test (it's all part of the same program). It was really the first time Karen got to see me doing jujitsu, so that was cool, too. We took lots of pictures and video.
That's about it, folks. Just wanted to keep you all up to date.

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