Thursday, December 21, 2006

Elephants: The new godless killing machines?

On the off chance you read that George Orwell elephant-killing essay I linked to the other day, you might remember that he had to shoot the elephant because it had "gone must." I didn't think much about this, assuming it was just some sort of elephant crazies.

Well, kinda. In a strange coincidence, the Mental Floss blogs today posted a piece from their archives about "musth," which is like a male elephant PMS that only comes up once a year.

So there you go. The Floss again lives up to its goal of filling our heads with random but occasionally useful information.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Aw, story made me sad. I have trouble with fiction that kills off animals.

I had for some reason heard of the testosterone-surge elephants, though I don't know why and I didn't know the name.