Thursday, December 14, 2006

Remodeling Cafe Asteria, but not too much.

I've been tweaking the look of this blog today, so pardon any wackiness you experience while I'm trying to get my Mac to get along with Blogger and its various new design tools.

If you've seen a cool feature I should steal from another blog, or if some new piece drives you crazy, let me know in the comments of this post. Thanks all.

UPDATE-A-ROO: Some of you commenters might notice a little wackiness on the blog. With the new Blogger moving out of beta status, I think they're doing away with the old system of Blogger IDs. Now, if you have a Gmail account, Blogger will likely still use that to log you in. I'm sure you can change your display name somehow, but for now, we have to live with the sadness that Claypits Jackson has been demoted to "Valerie." (See comments.)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yay, all on one logical page now!