Friday, March 31, 2006

Yoga, Rollerblades, Oblivion

So now that you've all had time to contemplate the meat muffins, I suppose I should give you a real update.

Things have been pretty busy around here. After a few months of letting my muscles atrophy, I started taking yoga the other week. I was surprised a bit to find I really enjoy it. Karen already had been taking it for a month or so, and with my new job we're able to meet there twice a week or so for a 90-minute class. Yes, I recognize the irony that we lived in the yoga capital of North America for the past three years and then didn't start taking classes until we moved to Alabama, but better late...

I also picked up a set of rollerblades (I was the last one in the house to step on board with that plan, too, but it's been a good way to wear out the dogs and bruise our tailbones). So with that and the guns I'm building up from drumming, I've been mildly active these days.

In less productive circles, I've been playing a bit of Oblivion, the epic new life-sucking Xbox game. I'm probably three hours into the estimated 200+ hours of gameplay in Oblivion, but several of my friends have immersed themselves much more successfully. My brother-in-law and I have been trading off on playing it, so that's stopped either of us from injecting it directly into our forearms.

I also got a boating license, so I'll be able to take advantage of my parents' lakehouse this summer with full legality.

Oooh, and I almost forgot, I am officially done with Barnes and Noble. I worked my final day there last weekend. I'll obviously miss working in a coffee shop, especialy one with such great people, but it'll also be nice to have my first two-day weekend since last November.

There. There's a quick wrapup of my recent life. I hope spring is being kind to you all, as well.

1 comment:

Griner said...

Wise? No. Entertaining? Certainly.