Friday, May 12, 2006

Meanwhile, in a blog more exciting than mine...

I know, I know, I just stumped for my friend Brittany's blog a week or two ago, but I just want to make sure as many people as possible are reading great entries like this one from her recent jungle excursion:

The surrounding jungle has been sprayed with herbicides several times to halt the growing of the coca plants. It hasn´t worked so well, on a side tour, we spent a morning at a cocaine factory. The man who ran it wore a very nice hat and said he´d been in the business for the past 18 years. It is much more lucrative than growing other crops, he says, and besides, the police don´t like to walk into the hills so he isn´t afraid of getting caught.

In a fit of blog envy, I plan to spend an upcoming morning at a northside crackhouse.

Actually, my favorite part of Britt's most recent posting is this comment from her mom AFTER reading that her daughter spent a morning at a coke factory:

We are glad to hear from you - know how we worry!!!! Sounds like an amazing place to visit.


That, my friends, is a cool mom.

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