Monday, May 08, 2006

Surely I wasn't the only one who thought this?

When you were a kid, did you ever think that you might be the only real person, and that everyone one else just existed to entertain/confuse/torment you?

I remember when I was little, I would try jump around corners unexpectedly so that I might catch the world not moving ... you know, because it didn't think I would be there yet. I don't know what I thought I'd catch...maybe people just standing perfectly still, waiting for my presence to cue them.

I think part of that carries over to adult life. Most people I know share the belief that if he/she/I stopped going to work (or wherever), that the entire operation would fall apart within a mere day. Three days, max.

Not sure why I've been thinking about this lately. Maybe it's because with this new job, I'm more of a cog than I was before. I think I still have one of the most interesting cog roles, but it's an anonymous effort that could just as easily be made by someone else. Maybe I miss having a byline, but I doubt it, since I didnt have one (except rarely) during my time as an editor.

Oh well. These are the random thoughts of someone who spent a weekend playing board games, watching zombie movies, drinking sangria, wakeboarding and spending an amazing few days with friends who I'm glad don't exist just in some Twilight Zone world where I'm at the center of everything.

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