Friday, January 12, 2007

Downside, upside.

So, my beloved cubicle was destroyed today to make way for new carpet.

But there was a great big upside to my suddenly nomadic lifestyle! I get to squat right next to Open Book!

And yes, that's officially the worst photo of me on the Internet. The neighbors here are great, but the natural light is not so plentiful. And before you go into mourning, yes, my cubicle will return in all its pre-manufactured glory once they get the garbage-floodwater-pee smell out of the flooring. I'm pretty sure I'm only responsible for one of the three.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Emily looks thrilled about her new neighbor . . .

I never actually noticed the carpet smelling. I never knew about the grossness that happened to it either though, so maybe that's why.