Thursday, July 06, 2006

This stuff's gonna make one killer omelette.

Frat boys. They know how to party. They know how to drink.

They apparently do not know how to clean. I know, I know! I was shocked, too!

Last night, Karen and I finally got in the door of our new house so we could start painting the garish pink-and-black bathroom. That was its own messy affair, but I'll spare you on that. No, what's worth mentioning is the stuff that the previous owner (the aforementioned frat boy) left behind for us.

A shortened manifest:

• Half a gallon of milk. (At least the fridge was still on.)
• A frozen pie.
• Three half-empty boxes of cereal, the huge family-of-14 size boxes.
• A few rolls of toilet paper — on the floor of the study.
• A half-dozen used band-aids on the bathroom floor.
• About a dozen boxes of macaroni and cheese.
• Two cans Budweiser.
• Two cans Miller Lite.
• Two bottles Sam Adams Sumerfest. (Yeah, guess which two beers we drank...)
• Eight eggs.
• A frozen lasagne (actually a pretty good one).
• Christmas lights.
• A mountain of partially empty paint cans. But we'll be optimistic and say they were partially full.
• A massive cylinder of Kraft parmesan cheese.
• Pills for his dog's congestive heart failure.
• A 1/16th full bottle of wine.

OK, ready for the kicker? This kid is a landlord. He rents another property to a couple nearby. Let's ignore the question of how a recent graduate has so much property *cough*mom'saRealtor*cough* and just ask ourselves how a landlord could leave a place looking like a sad bachelor just died there. I haven't even mentioned the spooky black clumps that seem to have turned the driveway into a Six Flags for ants.

But I should also note that the place was overall moderately clean, and only the bathroom needs painting. Within a few months, this mild annoyance will just be a fun story to tell about our first day in our first house.


Bill said...

We got a rusty baby know, so baby tetanus' ghost would still have a link to the physical world, and a used partially disassembled garage door opener. Never mind that we had just paid to have a brand new one installed because the house lacked one....I guess he thought we might need a crappy rusty spare.

Bill said...

Oh, we're also fairly sure no product that could boast "cuts through grease" was ever used on the house.... because their appeared to be a 8 year accumulation of it on every surface.

Plus if your lucky like us you might have to wait a week for the ant infestation to start...then an additional month for the termites to make their grand appearance.