Tuesday, June 20, 2006

OK smarties, let's put those brains to the test.

A little mystery to help kill some time today, in honor of the influx of my former high school Scholar's Bowl colleagues to the Cafe.

(Don't worry. Everyone's welcome to compete.)

The only rule: E-mail me the solution — don't write it in the comments section. The first person to get it right will get some sort of prize (better than the last one, I promise). In the comments section, I will post how the solvers did. Anyone who solves it will get props.

On to the riddle...

I'm thinking of a war.
It was in Europe.
It involved Britain, but only briefly.
One of the two combatants still honors the other today, probably daily.
It involves the worship of false idols.
And a colorful noble.
And a few sieges.
And had a cheesy ending.

OK folks, what is it?

Drop an e-mail to griner (at) gmail (dot) com. For bonus points, explain as many of my clues as possible.

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