Sunday, September 11, 2005

Good news, everyone

Big thanks to Bill for passingon this exciting news for nerds like me:

2K and Firaxis announced today that Sid Meier’s Civilization IV will be released in October. The game was originally slated to be released in fiscal year 2006, so the announcement moves up the release date, a rare event indeed.

That puts it only a month away. So much for being productive this fall.

Well, in other news, we officially finish our six-month massage class today, assuming we pass the lengthy final. Of course, we still have 15 hours of practice left to complete. Lately, a lot of people have been asking how we plan to use the massage. The answer is, um, we're not really sure. I guess if our friends or ourselves get busted up, we'll try to fix it. Mostly, it was just something we wanted to learn, and it really has been an amazingly intense process.

Maybe I'll talk about that more when I have a little more time...for now, gotta go take a final.

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