Thursday, October 13, 2005

For I am mighty

In case you doubt my ability to identify headless women, I thought I'd point out that I was right in my guess that Jessica Biel was the actress being slowly revealed, body part by body part, over the past six months in Esquire magazine. This month's issue reveals she is the "sexiest woman alive," which obviously means Angelina Jolie died shortly after receiving the same title from Esquire last year.

I can't say that the new photo gallery persuades me to buy into the Biel bandwagon. When one of the selling points is her posture ("She could hold an apple between her shoulder blades"), you know they're reaching a bit.

To me, sexy is a pretty tough trick to pull off -- in a movie or otherwise. I can only think of one example where Karen and I agreed that an actress actually came off as hot as the filmmakers intended (pictured).

Funny note on that, too. When I was home sick once, I watched Resident Evil with the cast commentary. Near the beginning, in a scene where Milla Jovavhvashavich's character is in the shower, she says on the commentary, "Here's my obligatory nude scene. I have to have at least one in every movie I do." The director quickly chimed in, "That's not what your agent said."

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