Wednesday, October 12, 2005


It's weird, the last few nights I've been having work-related nightmares. What's especially strange is that I never had them when I was actually working.

Last night, I dreamt I woke up at 1 p.m. on a work day and had to decide whether to scramble in or call in sick. The night before, I dreamt that I was at work and didn't have any local stories for the next day's paper. I realize these are minor as far as nightmares go, but I did wake up all stressed and sweaty. It's funny, though, to wake up from a dream about running late for work and say, "Oh thank god, I'm unemployed and it's only 7 a.m."

So why suddenly have these kinds of dreams now? It doesn't really take a psychiatrist. There's obviously some part of my brain that feels I'm being a slacker and not a productive member of society.

Yeah, well tough shit, brain. I've earned a chance to relax a little, and I'm getting a lot of stuff done. Who are you trying to convince? What do you mean? I'm not trying to convince anybody, I was pointing out ... I'm just saying, maybe it's not your subconscious that's frustrated. Maybe it's your conscious. 'Conscious' isn't really a noun. Hey, who's the brain here? Oh, just stuff it before I go slam you into an open cabinet door.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Um, that last paragraph is making me think maybe we DO need to look into getting Gman to a psychiatrist...