Thursday, August 24, 2006

Civil war averted.

We can all jitter with contentment here at the agency today. After asking us to vote between gourmet coffee and free doughnuts/meat muffins, the execs announced today that there was an even split.

Thus, in the Solomonic spirit I previously mentioned, they have agreed to let us have BOTH. Aw yeah. Sure, our clients are going through mega-huge mergers that may inexorably alter the future of our agency, but at least we have the important issue settled.

And yes, I realize that the true Solomonic answer would have been to give us half a cup of coffee and a doughnut hole, but that's not the point.

1 comment:

Greg said...

I guess it's a good thing you didn't vote. Or maybe you should have sold your vote to the highest bidder.